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Plants and Play Promoting Universal Skills

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PAPPUS is an Erasmus+ funded programme offering playful springboards into learning, using commonly found plants as a context, resource and inspiration.
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PAPPUS brings together educators from six European countries, to collaborate, share knowledge and expertise and create a unique resource for schools, play settings and families.

We know that immersion in the natural world is essential for children's emotional and mental wellbeing, and active learning is also great for their physical health. PAPPUS provides teachers, play workers and families with 'springboards' to inspire high quality learning and play using easily sourced plants.
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The  PAPPUS Toolkit  offers 'springboards' to hours of innovative learning and play.
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The  CPD Programme  builds skills in using plants to deliver playful learning.   
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The  Resource Library  includes links to organisations, websites, blogs, books and videos.
Together, these PAPPUS resources will help you enrich learning and play through reconnecting children and young people with the natural world - and because we know that taking learning beyond the classroom is not always easy, we've included strategies to help identify and overcome those barriers.

Six EU countries have contributed to this unique resource. Find out more about the partners by clicking their logo.

Lead Partner: UK

The University of Gloucestershire is a diverse, vibrant community of 9,000 undergraduate students, 1,000 postgraduate students, 40,000 alumni and 1,000 staff from all across the world. With campuses in Cheltenham and Gloucester, the University offers its students a specialised and dynamic place to learn, grow and make lasting connections.


The University focuses on excellence in research, teaching and business engagement. It prides itself on building close relationships between students and staff, and on serving the wider community, through promoting its economic, cultural and social wellbeing.

The main goal of Gedania 1922, besides the training of footballers and coaches, is the combination of science, innovative education and sport activities. The educational programme of alternative schools and the preschool combines emotional intelligence development with introducing ICT tools and elements of science into school and preschool education in the form of free play. 


Gedania 1922 aims to create new educational spaces, where very young children’s creative ideas can be treated seriously.


The Society for Social Research and Education (GeSoB) combines expertise in social and educational sciences with designing curricula and providing 'train the trainer' programmes for educators. GeSoB works closely with the University of Innsbruck and harnesses the power of volunteers and freelancers to help deliver its innovative social change programmes.


Palacký University in Olomouc (UPOL) is one of the oldest universities in Central Europe. Drawing on a 440 year tradition of higher education, it is a renowned centre for teaching and research. With more than 23,000 undergraduate and graduate students at eight faculties, it provides high quality education and an excellent background for research in a wide range of academic disciplines. 

UPOL offers over three hundred degree programmes with many courses available in foreign languages. 


Play Learning Life helps schools, early years settings and families make the most of the opportunities outdoors affords for

learning, growth and play that regular, frequent and progressive access to outdoors affords.

Play Learning Life is a social enterprise and collaborates with partners to carry out research, provide training and action research, support families through playschemes and enrich school curriculums with exciting outdoor learning.


The Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education promotes the philosophy of Carl Rogers - that people understand and are fulfilled through living, personal experiences and accepting relationships.  Its pedagogy includes drama, arts therapy and sustainability education.


The Foundation organises educational activities and research projects, and runs the Rogers Academy for young people looking for an alternative to traditional



TANDEM, is a training and development organisation, which through its work with individuals, communities and organisations aims to strengthen their self-esteem and sense of responsibility in Slovakia.


TANDEM is an acronym, with each letter representing our values: 

T(udatos): conscious

A(lternatív): alternative

N(emformális): non-formal

D(inamikus): dynamic

E(mberközpontú): anthropocentric

M(egerősítő): affirmative

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