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Why Play and Learn with Plants?

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COMING SOON - Download our Audit Tool, to explore the PAPPUS potential of the school grounds and neighbourhood

There is now much evidence to support the long-term value of young people learning in and with nature. PAPPUS aims to provide educators, play workers and families with resources to introduce, extend and embed learning and play with plants.

  • Changes in children's leisure time activities have impacted on their health and wellbeing as well as their understanding of and care for the natural world.

  • We cannot expect the next generation to advocate for environmental sustainability if they don't foster a strong nature connection.

  • Pressure on teachers to deliver academic outcomes has led to a narrower, more classroom based curriculum.

  • A risk averse society has reduced its contact with hands-on, evidential learning.

And yet: learning and playing in the natural world can improve outcomes for children.

  • Connecting abstract classroom based learning to 'real' world practicalities.

  • Being mindful and bodyful in nature is good for children and young people's wellbeing.

  • When learning and playing outdoors, children and young people are typically typically more physically active than when they are indoors.

  • Outdoor learning offers opportunities for learners of all abilities and skills to engage purposefully.

  • Introducing potential post-16 learning and career routes.

DOWNLOAD the 'Making the Case' slideshow - it's really short - to show to colleagues to support your call for more learning and play outdoors.

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